Table of Contents
Scientific knowledge is built on the foundations of probabilistic thinking, aiming to understand not only the associations between events but also how one event influences the occurrence of another. Uncertainty plays a central role in this endeavor, allowing us to capture inherent variations in the world and describe the variability in the models we use to represent reality. In ML/AI, our goal is to develop algorithms and processes that replicate human efforts in learning from data, inferring new relationships, predicting future outcomes, estimating causal relationships and effects, and making data-driven decisions.
My fundamental interest lies in understanding the principles of statistical learning, model building, and decision-making. Specifically, I focus on the role of uncertainty in enhancing the models and algorithms in machine learning and artificial intelligence. This involves integrating confidence measures into decisions and processes, leading to better engineering and design across various applications. I am passionate about applying ML/AI models to different scientific fields and creating a feedback loop between information, knowledge building, and model inference, mediated by increased insights and confidence in machine-generated knowledge.
Research Interests #
List of topics linked to publications
Probabilistic Machine Learning
- Models
- Matrix and Tensor Factorization
- Point Processes
- Deep Generative Models
- Inference
- Variational Inference
- Amortized Inference
- Energy-efficient Inference
- Probabilistic Guarantees for
- Trustworthy ML
- Fairness
- Ethics
- Models
Bayesian Statistics
- Prior Predictive Analysis
- Empirical Bayes
- Probabilistic Programming
- Causal Discovery
Physics-Informed Neural Networks
- Personalization and Recommender Systems
- Natural Language Processing
- Information Retrieval
- Complex Networks and Network Analysis
- Ecosystem Simulations
- Climate Models
- Fluid Dynamics Simulations
- Global Health
Collaborators #
adèle ribeiro
amauri h souza
antónio góis
arto klami
bjørnar vassøy
diego mesquita
dominik heider
eduardo valle
erlend aune
george teodoro
helge langseth
heri ramampiaro
luiz max carvalho
marcelo hartmann
massimiliano ruocco
rodrigo barreto alves
samuel kaski
thiago teixeira
tiago da silva
tomasz kuśmierczyk
vikas garg