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Bayesian Matrix Factorization


Prior Specification for Bayesian Matrix Factorization via Prior Predictive Matching

A method for prior specification by optimizing hyperparameters via the prior predictive distribution. This approach matches virtual statistics generated by the prior to certain target values. We apply it to Bayesian matrix factorization models, obtaining a close-formula for the rank of the latent variables, and analytically determine the matching hyperparameters, and extend it to general models through stochastic optimization.

JMLR 2023

ICML 2024 (Poster, Journal Track)


Content-Based Social Recommendation with Poisson Matrix Factorization

A latent variable probabilistic model for recommender systems that combines social trust, item content, and user preferences into a unified Poisson matrix factorization framework. This model jointly factorizes the user–item interaction matrix and item–content matrix, accounting for social relationships and content information to enhance recommendation accuracy. ECML 2017